Polymer Conversion
- Extrusion pelletization
- Injection molding
- Extrusion (sheet and film)
- Blow molding
- Blown film extrusion
- Dip coating
- Spray coating
- Draw down coating applicator
- 3D printing
- Thermoforming
- Shrink tunnel
Chemical Analysis
- Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry
- Gas Chromatography – Flame Ionization Detector
- Pyrolysis – Mass Spectrometry
- Liquid Chromatography – Quadrupole – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry
- Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry /Mass Spectrometry
- Fourier Transform – Infrared Spectroscopy (attenuated total reflectance, horizontal attenuated total reflectance, transmission, diffuse reflectance, gas)
- High performance liquid chromatography (diode array and evaporative light scattering detection)
- Micro-Raman spectroscopy
- Photoluminescence spectroscopy
- Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Elemental Analysis
- X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy
- Microwave digestion
- Scanning electron microscopy – energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
Thermal Analysis
- Differential scanning calorimetry (modulated and standard)
- Thermogravimetric analysis (modulated and standard, air or nitrogen atmospheres)
- Dynamic mechanical analysis (immersion and standard)
- Thermomechanical analysis (immersion and standard)
Material and Packaging Design
- Packaging specification
- Packaging redesign
- Material replacement/substitution
- Material reduction assessment
- Sustainable material sourcing and replacement
- General specification design
Extraction, Mixing, and Grinding
- Probe sonication (pulsed and continuous)
- Bath sonication
- Dry, dry ice, and liquid nitrogen grinding
Physical Analysis
- Optical microscopy
- Electromechanical analysis (tensile and compression)
- Dart impact
- Colorimetric quantification
- Electron microscopy
- Water vapor permeation
- Oxygen permeation
- Surface energy analysis
- Melt flow index
- Coefficient of friction
- Sealed container leak analysis
Shelf-life Analysis
- Commercial refrigerated display cases (meat and produce, full-service and self-service)
- Commercial frozen display cases
- Quantification of nutritional constituents
- Colorimetric quantification of food products and packaging components
In-process Measurements
- Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy
- Infrared spectroscopy (near and mid)
- X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- Volatile compound analysis
Safety and Compliance
- Commercial microwave ovens
- Commercial dual ovens
- Optical temperature probes
- Direct food contact applications
- Code of Federal Regulation extraction apparatus
- EU 10/2011 extraction apparatus and analysis
- Trace molecule analysis (bisphenol sulfonate/acetone–BPS/BPA, fluorinated compounds–perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorooctanoic sulfonate)
- Sensory Analysis (affective testing, discrimination testing, and descriptive panels)